The Pez Party will be postponed to Wednesday afternoon, since we won't have time on Monday or Tuesday. We have a field trip to the Oregon Symphony on Tuesday! Make it a great week, everyone!
Person of the Week
Grant Heyworth!Topics to Talk About at Home
The students were assigned books to read in class last week: Holes, A Long Way From Chicago, or The Magician's Nephew. Enjoy talking to your child about the book they received and feel free to read along with them and go deeper into their learning!Upcoming Events
- Feb 07 - Field Trip: Oregon Symphony (10:00-12:30)
- Feb 08 - PEZ Party! (rescheduled from Friday)
- Feb 14 - Field Trip: Neighborhood House Group 1 (student groups TBD)
- Feb 15 - Progress Reports emailed
- Feb 17 - Class Party: Belated Valentine's Day (2:00-3:00)
- Feb 20 - No School (President's Day)
- Feb 21 -
No School (Professional Development Day)Yes, we have school - Feb 22 - Mr. Riedl's class leads Chapel (9:00-9:25 in Auditorium)
- Feb 24 - New Date: Spirit Wear Day! Show WHCS School Spirit!
- Feb 28 - Field Trip: Neighborhood House Group 2 (student groups TBD)
Curriculum and Exams
- Bible - Preparing to lead Chapel on 2/22 | Memory verse: None
- Math - Chapter 3
- Science - Movement & Control Unit
- Social Studies [Mrs. Proulx] - Ancient Israel Unit
- Read Aloud - The Invisible Girls (abridged) by Sarah Thebarge (my friend!)
- Reading - Lit Groups Books: A Long Way From Chicago, Holes, or The Magician's Nephew
- Writing - Persuasive Business Letters
- Spelling - Unit 10
- Grammar - Verbs Unit | Quiz
FridayMonday: Irregular Verbs "see" to "write" - Other - N/A
Online Gradebook FINALLY Updated!
I wish I had more time to update grades online every week, but over the past few weeks I have been trying hard to be a good dad and not stay too late at school working. My kids are more of a priority, so I hope you understand! That being said, I did make time this weekend to data enter grades in the online gradebook (Renweb), so please check it out here: of the ice day on Friday, I was unable to grade the late/missing work that is currently sitting in the Missing Work Basket by my desk. So, I'm planning on grading that and updating the gradebook accordingly as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience!
In 5th grade, many students exchange valentines, but some do not. It is optional. The rule we have made is that if you bring them, you need to bring enough for everyone in the class. We will exchange valentines at the end of the day on February 14th. As for bringing valentines for students in Mrs. Proulx's class, we will give them a few minutes to switch rooms at the end of the day on the 14th, and they do not need to bring valentines for Mrs. Proulx's entire class, just for one or a few friends if they want to. Here is a classroom list if you want to print it: Roster Sheets 5th Grade 2016-2017Other School-wide Events
Be sure to read the WHCS Weekly Snapshot to learn more about other school-wide events at West Hills Christian School. It is emailed to the entire school regularly on Friday afternoons. Thanks so much!Teacher Contact
Mr. Riedl | | 503-756-3309 (cell) (texts ok) | aaron.riedl@whcs.orgMrs. Proulx | visit her website | 503-977-5488 |
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