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Cow Eyeball Dissection! |
We will be leading Chapel on Wednesday! The students have been working hard on their skits, so I hope you will be able to come attend Chapel in the Auditorium from 9:00-9:25am. If you are unable to join us in person, don't worry, you'll be able to see it on YouTube soon! In other news... the graded work packets didn't come home on Friday due to a volunteer difficulty, so please expect the graded work packets to come home with the students on Tuesday. I also changed a couple things that you can read about below. Make it a great week, everyone!
Person of the Week
None!Topics to Talk About at Home
Since we are leading Chapel this week, please talk about our message to the audience. What are we trying to explain to them about good versus bad authority? In what way should we stand up to authority figures who are abusing their power?Upcoming Events
- Feb 20 - No School (President's Day)
- Feb 21 -
No School (Professional Development Day)Yes, we have school - Feb 22 - Mr. Riedl's class leads Chapel (9:00-9:25 in Auditorium)
- Feb 24 - New Date: Spirit Wear Day! Show WHCS School Spirit!
- Feb 28 - Field Trip: Neighborhood House Group 1 (student groups TBD)
- Feb 28 - Lion King After School (3:05-5:00)
- Mar 07 - Field Trip: Neighborhood House Group 2 will be rescheduled
- Mar 14 - Field Trip: Rice NW Museum of Rocks and Minerals (9:00-1:30)
- [more] - click to view classroom calendar
Curriculum and Exams
- Bible - Preparing to lead Chapel on Wednesday! | Memory verse: None
- Math - Chapter 3
- Science - Solid Earth Unit
- Social Studies [Mrs. Proulx] - Ancient Greece Unit
- Read Aloud - The Invisible Girls (abridged) by Sarah Thebarge (my friend!)
- Reading - Lit Groups Books: A Long Way From Chicago, Holes, or The Magician's Nephew
- Writing - Persuasive Business Letters
- Spelling - None this week
- Grammar - Verbs Unit | Test Friday
- Other - N/A
New Classroom Calendar on my website!
Over the past few weeks, I have been giving the students more detailed due dates on the whiteboard calendar in the back of my classroom. I think it has been working well, so I decided to make a matching online version of it too, which I will be updating as needed. So, now, when you visit the Homework & Calendar page on my website, you can also view this long-term calendar online, which matches the calendar the students see in the classroom. I will still be posting daily homework the same way I always have, but hopefully this is helpful for those (like me) who prefer the long-term monthly calendar view as well.Request for Rice Museum Field Trip Chaperones & Updated Volunteer Schedule
Originally, the plan for the field trip to the Rice NW Museum of Rocks and Minerals was to take a school bus. However, Mrs. Proulx and I decided that it would be better to carpool. Right now we have enough chaperones signed up on the Volunteer Schedule online, but I now need to ask those chaperones: Are you able to drive students in your vehicle? It is about a 30min drive from WHCS to the location of the museum in Hillsboro. If you signed up already and you can drive, then please write how many students you can fit in your vehicle. If you are unable to drive, then I totally understand, but just please remove your name from the list. Additionally, I updated the Volunteer Schedule so that it is more simplistic and pleasing to the eye. Hopefully you like it as much as I do!Survey for Mr. Riedl's 2nd Back To School Night
In Bloomz, I recently posted a suggestion about scheduling a 2nd Back To School Night for those parents interested in meeting with me all together, just like the first Back To School Night on the first week of the school year. However, this time, instead of introducing myself, I plan to go into more details about what the students do on a daily basis so we can all talk about it and understand each other better. If you are interested, please click this link for a quick 1-question survey about what date/time would be best for you: https://goo.gl/forms/UiajmFzOCo8vxDIw2Other School-wide Events
Be sure to read the WHCS Weekly News to learn more about other school-wide events at West Hills Christian School. It is emailed to the entire school regularly on Friday afternoons. Thanks so much!Teacher Contact
Mr. Riedl | RiedlTeach.com | 971-361-6113 (mobile) | aaron.riedl@whcs.orgMrs. Proulx | visit her website | 503-977-5488 | sylvia.proulx@whcs.org
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